Appointment Bookings

Inglis Medical Centre


Total Health Care

Appointment Bookings

For your convenience, we now offer online booking for GP appointments at Inglis Medical Centre.

Online bookings are for existing patients only. If you are interested in attending the practice as a new patient please contact reception on 5143 7900 to arrange your initial appointment.

Bookings made with our online system are for standard consultations only (15 minutes). If you require a longer consultation, an appointment with one of our allied health practitioners or an appointment that requires a nurse to see you (eg. travel appointments, diving medicals, procedures, immunisations, care plans or health assessments); please call the practice on 5143 7900 and one of our receptionists will be more than happy to assist you.

Online bookings should not be used for emergencies, if the matter is urgent please present to the local emergency department or call Triple Zero (000)

If there are no appointments showing as available, please call us on 5143 7900 so we can try to assist you.

If you are unable to attend your appointment, we would appreciate it if you could cancel as soon as possible. At least two hours notice is requested if cancelling an appointment as a cancellation fee may apply.

Please note: We do not accept online bookings for Saturdays. Please contact the clinic on 5143 7900 to arrange an appointment.

Book Appointment Online

Appointments Information

Our standard appointment time is 15 minutes (as recommended by RACGP). If you think you need more time than this, please ask reception to book you a double appointment. Please understand if your doctor asks you to continue the discussion at another appointment for the sake of others with appointments after you.

Appointments are encouraged for routine matters, including long term health conditions, preventative health and immunisation, screening tests (eg. pap smears), and completion of forms and paperwork. TAC and workcover matters are best dealt with at an appointment with your regular doctor.


We organise regular tele-health consultation for patients in different specialities including psychiatry. We are also PCEHR ready.

New Patients

Please consider making a double appointment if you are a new patient to our medical centre. This will allow your doctor to spend relevant time required asking about your history and completing some basic checks. It is best if a summary of your health is available from your previous doctor, ideally at your first consultation. A release form can be obtained from reception.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment time, bringing with you your Medicare card and any concession cards, so that all relevant information can be collected.

Test Results follow up/ Referrals

In the course of your care with your treating doctor, tests, investigations and referrals may be required to establish a diagnosis and management plan.

While it is the treating doctor’s advice and recommendation to undertake investigation or referral, it is your responsibility if you agree with that advice, to do tests or to attend the specialist as directed. Unless advised otherwise, patients are requested to follow up results by ringing the practice in the afternoon, 2-3 days after the tests have been done.

This ensures:

  • That you and your doctor can check that the results have been received and reviewed.
  • That you are aware of the outcome of your test and whether you may need an urgent (within days) or non-urgent (2-4 weeks) appointment
  • That your doctor knows that you have agreed to participate in ongoing care.

“Normal” results (blood tests, PAP smears, breast screen etc.) do not guarantee that all is well. Remain alert but not alarmed with your health issues and seek ongoing review if concerned or persistently unwell. Recall letters for PAP smear/blood tests/mammograms etc. will be sent to you with your permission. We would appreciate a prompt response as this reduces the significant work involved in contacting patients who have not responded.

Book your appointment online